SoulPrints Sequence


Experience a container tailored to your process

The SoulPrints Sequence

Have you experienced an event too overwhelming to process? Is there an unconscious recreation of situations that simulate this old pain?

Our subconscious is a master creator, it can keep us stuck in misery and it can call in our wildest dreams.

During the SoulPrints sequence we revisit the wound and create a space for it to be felt, held and healed.

What are the words left unsaid? What was the way that you needed to be comforted?

For the duration of this process I will be in complete service of your process.

This is for you if you want to:
- experience an efficient and impactful clearing

- address addictive patterns from the root

- create a new imprint and embodied experience

- have a recurring theme in your life you want to work on

This is not for you if you:
- Want to avoid discomfort

1 session: 250,- including aftercare call
3 sessions (most impactful): €650,- including tailored homework

All coaching packages come with a money back guarantee if I am notified within 1 week after giving your session.
Limited resources, but a full body YES?! Get in contact to discuss options.